Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The house is still dark and I can see an incredible thunderstorm brewing beyond the balcony. We are moving next month, and man am I going to miss this view. It may be what I miss the most. With the Tiny Bar music, the night lights, the hill country in the distance, and of course the skies, who needs TV? Ada digs it too. She'll probably miss watching all of the trains come and go the most of all. But the storms, they are incredible! Since we've been in a drought for so long, we didn't know what we were missing. One night Ada had a high fever, so we just sat on the balcony for some cool air. We witnessed at least 12 lightning bolts beyond the city. SO amazing. Is this why God calls us to keep our sense of wonder as children do? Our faith might not be such a struggle if we weren't so easily bored with what nature had to reveal to us day in and day out. Just until maybe a month ago, when Ada felt the rain falling on her head she would stare up like "What in the world is happening her? Am I the only one bright enough to notice this?" The fact that rain ever falls is a miracle in itself, no? If we study the physics of it and explain away all of the "magic", I think I'm left even more in awe. I say all this to say even if we aren't 20 stories above our ground-floor view of the world, we can still learn a lot from the rain, among all of those other things little people talk about. Tune into what they're watching. With time, maybe you could even stop paying for cable. :)