Friday, April 17, 2009

whip it, into shape! shape it up!

driving home on Congress

Ada and Sydney at the Iron Cactus

How does one stay concise but remain thorough when filling in inquiring minds on 3 months or so of life?  I will make an attempt here.  

My life has been a paper trail of stick-it notes the past few months.  Life isn't bad by any means, just, how do you say... discombobulated?  We have been to NC and back to visit and care for friends and family that we oh-so-love; we have seen dog parades and new babes, sampled delicious kashmiri cuisine, started fight clubs and posed for pictures in finely-made dresses; we have enjoyed the company of several out-of-town guests, watched bats swarm the sky by the thousands, and eaten our weight in dark chocolate; we are trying to grow our green thumbs in this crazy high-rise (or are you born with it?  rice-scott empire, any thoughts?  mama?) and to master the ways of OOMA.  Ada is now waving at strangers, learning to protest with words and win Bapa's heart.   She has discovered peanut butter ("bubber") and goes to the fridge to get it herself!  She is obsessed with shoes and dancing to every beat that catches her ear.  She had her first taste of SXSW, and didn't even mind giving up nap time here and there.  Life has been so rich, so full, and yet so challenging.  In the past couple of months, I have felt loved at time and totally abandoned at others.  God has filled my inner parts with extraordinary joy as a mother, and in the weeks following that truth, I have found myself waving a white flag of surrender.

so many shoes, so little time.

Jesse and I celebrated 3 years of marriage in March at the Driskill Grill.  He is even better to me today than he was the day he said "I do."  He was amazing then!  Speaking of amazing husbandness, I now get to play Bunko once a month while Dada and Ada have their own date night.  It's so fun, and I'm currently working on my secret dice toss. (Look out girls!)  Speaking of girls, my friend Rashmi "accidently" colored my hair red yesterday afternoon during a henna scalp treatment.  Speaking of red hair... just kidding!  So many things, but we have to leave something untold for occasional phone conversations and visits. . .

We will try to keep the rain showers here and send the sunshine your way for now.  Happy Friday everyone!